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Krak Chantal loves to dance, sing and be beautiful.
Her favourite tv-show: Le Juste Prix!

Jérome loves… Chantal!

They don’t need much story, décor or words, because without any understandable word, they bring you laughter and joy.

Sometimes subtle, sometimes hilarious

Visual and absurd humour for the whole family.

Technische Daten

Playing area 8m × 8 m
Playtime 55 min full version for theatre – 35 min short version for festivals and outdoors

Download the lightning design


With and by Dieter Missiaen and Els Degryse
Coach Tom Roos (Cie Wurre Wurre)
Support Jonas Pauwels, Manu Cammaert, Rita Duhamel, Henk Rogiers, Annick Hazenbosch, Michel Vanmullem, Jantina Hoste, Woesh…

With the support of the Flemish Centre for Circus Arts